Sunday, November 3, 2013

November- Kids Who Care event

When: November 16th 1:00- 3:00pm
Where: LDS Church building on Hawes just south of Guadalupe

For those of you who joined us for our first Kids Who Care event back in November of 2011, we will be doing that same service project again.

It was so successful and turned out wonderful. It was great knowing we could brighten the lives of those children who are sick or injured. 

We will be making treat bags to fill with a few prizes. Also an ornament and a christmas card for the children.
This is a great way to give our children an opportunity to strengthen 3 valuable characteristics.
Hard work, Compassion and Service :)

1. Have them WORK to earn money.
2. DONATE some of their earnings to pay for the supplies needed.
3. Come and SERVE the children in the hospital by putting the gift bags together.

Before the event, your child can earn some money by doing chores, selling something, asking neighbors if they have any chores they can do etc.

Then, you and your children will come November 16th 1:00pm to the LDS church, off of Hawes just south of Guadalupe. There they will assemble the bags, fill the bags, make an ornament and then a card. 

At this time your child can bring the money they would like to donate to pay for supplies. It usually comes to $3-$5 per child, to cover all cost.

All ages can come and participate. It will take an hour or so to complete all 3 task.

If you could let me know if you are coming, that would be most helpful.

Thanks and we will see you November 16th!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Memorizing the Constitution

I made these cute posters to help memorize and teach about the preamble of the Constitution. Let me know if you would like me to email them to you and you can print them out at home or I ordered them as 5 x7 and 8 x 10 through Costco.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hey everyone, are we ready for another Service Project? As we were thinking about what to do this month, I was made aware of a sweet boy, named Jacob. 

Jacob has Mitochondrial Disease and Autism. You can learn more about his disease on his blog: Mighty Jake

Something that would be very beneficial to Jacob is a Service Dog. These dogs are trained from the time they are born, how to care and help their owners. If you have some time you should really watch some of this video.

***Click here to watch the video
It shows how Service Dogs help so many people. Your kids will find it so fascinating. They are trained in a special way and cared for until ready to find the perfect owner, they are not cheap dogs. But they are worth every penny.

Jacob is a boy who lives right here in our community. We can share his story with our children and let them know we have a chance to help change his life. 

The service project for this month is to have your child working or selling something to make money that they can then donate to the Priestley family. Then Jacob's family will be able to buy a Service Dog.

Here are a few ideas:
-make a food item and sell to neighbors and family
-ask neighbors if they have any chores or yard work they could do
-make a craft or something creative to sell

I really hope you ALL can participate. I will post pictures and give everyone an update when he gets his dog. These dogs save lives and lets help Jacob's parents have that peace of mind, that their son is safe with the help of a Service Dog.

Channel 12 did a story about Jacob and his family:
Click here to see video

Also, if you could take a picture of your children while working and earning the money, I would love for you to text or email me the picture.

Jacob is scheduled to get his dog in October. So after a few weeks of Jacob and his dog getting aquatinted, we are going to have a meet and greet so you kids can meet Jacob and his dog. What a great experience this will be for your children.

The donation is due to me by August 31st. Email me at if you need my information as to where to donate the money. 

Thank you all so much.  PLEASE PLEASE share this with your family and friends.  

~Leah Martineau
Kids Who Care

Galatians 6:2  Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

If you are on facebook, here is the link to our event page.

New Blog......again

I have started seriously like 5 different blogs. But this is the one I really have always wanted to start. A blog that helps moms (and dads I guess, if dads are even looking at blogs) do some great things to raise the next generation of superheroes. I truly believe that our children will be the greatest, strongest and most courageous generation EVER. 

Why?  Well I'm religious, I belong the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saint actually and I know that it has been prophesied. 

I can see the moral decay of the world all around us. The break down of the families are a major part to a corrupt society. 

Our kids don't have to look for evil these days, evil finds them. Hence why we need to teach and raise them to be superheroes who can defeat the opposition. 

I hope you find this blog helpful and meaingful. I'm going to choose one of the superhero traits each month and focus on it. I will give ideas on how to develop and strengthen that certain trait.

I also have started a Kids Who Care service group 2 years ago and I will post our monthly ideas on here for you. Sometimes I plan activities for the kids to come make something to give to someone in need. Other times it is having you child earn money to donate or buy something for a child in need. 

It is a great way to keep our children actively doing service and thinking of others. When a person can learn to put others needs before their own, they are truly a Christ-like person. 

Thanks for reading,